
Yes that is true, and having just had a look at mine, it is still there
after an update to V., and having switched my PC off a couple of
time since.

I have looked for a way of turning this on and off, but cannot see one,
which may confirm my feeling that this a default setting. I'm sorry that I
cannot suggest a way of resolving the problem, provided that closing
down/switching off your PC don not work, other than reinstalling.

Ron Ferguson

-----Original Message-----
From: Lloyd L. Hite
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2012 12:28 PM
To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
Subject: [LegacyUG] Adding source to clipboard

  I  seems  to  remember  in  previous  versions of Legacy that when a
  source  was  added  to  the clipboard, it stayed there until another
  source  was added. I added a source to cb yesterday and this morning
  I  went  to  add  the  source to another entry in my data and got an
  error  message:  Run-Time  Error  '5'   Invaled  Procedure  Call  or
  Augument. When I clicked on OK, Legacy shut down.

  I have Legacy Deluxe, version
  Do  I need to add the source to clipboard every time the computer
  is shut down and then restarted?



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