Thanks, Brian.  I understand the inner workings now. ;)
I have added the LUG email to my Contacts.

From:Brian/Support <>
Sent: Wed, April 25, 2012 2:04:59 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Question on how to START a thread.


When you use reply the header of your message (most of which is not
displayed by your email reader) contains a hidden link to the original
message to which you are replying. Correct email programs use those
references in message headers, not the subject line, to build the thread
of messages and replies. If you are interested and if your email program
allows try looking at the message source text to see all the hidden
bits. I use Thunderbird for my email and in that program use View >
Message Source. I do not know how other programs let you do that.

Here is the cross reference from your message header which links your
reply to the previous message:
In-Reply-To: <>

To truly start a new thread you should use write so there is no
cross-reference to a previous message in the header of your email.

Customer Support
Millennia Corporation

We are changing the world of genealogy!
When replying to this message, please include all previous correspondence.

On 25/04/2012 12:02 PM, Paula Ryburn wrote:
> Mike,
> I typically "reply" to a message and then strip out the "Re: [LegacyUG]" part
> the subject, too.  Does that not start a new thread from your email service's
> viewpoint?  (This email is an example.)
> Thanks,
>   --Paula

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