On 12/09/2012 16:07, Pat Hickin wrote:
> Why is it that (in an ancestor report) I get an entry like this:
> "Property: Real estate: $2500, 1870, oodson Twp., WASHINGTON, VA"
> when, if I edit the event, the sentence that appears under the "Notes" box
> reads, as I want it to, like this:
> ."Property: 1870, Goodson Twp., WASHINGTON, VA. Real estate: $2500."
> Incidentally, I have a check mark in the little square to the left of
> "Refresh Sentence."
> Specifically,
> a) why is Legacy dropping the "G" from "Goodson"?
> b) why is Legacy putting the date & location in the last position when I
> have stipulated that they appear first (just after the "Event" name)?
> In the sentence definition window, I have specified that the sentence read
> thusly:
> "Property: [Date]  [Place] [Desc][Notes] [Sources]"
> And finally, what do I need to do to get Legacy to do what I've clearly
> told it to do?:-)

Can't answer most of your questions but just check that you haven't
accidentally got an override in force.

What I can tell you is that the little tick box is nothing to dowith
refreshing the Sentence, but tells Legacy to remove any leading commas
on Locations.  (ie, if you have entered a Location as ",,California,
United States" if will print as "California, United States."

Jenny M Benson

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