Anthony Punnett <> proclaimed:

>If I were you, I would back up my database then do the maintenance on
>the old/current database then check to see if Legacy has deleted the
>unwanted source.
>On 2012-10-04 12:55 PM, Pat Hickin wrote:
>> I have created a .gedcom of the ancestors of a 2x grgrandmother.  I am
>> trying to eliminate a faulty source that I don't need.  Legacy won't
>> delete it as it is being 'used.'  When I click on "show List,' I am
>> told it is attached to Marriage Record 902.
>> So I do a search on MRIN = 902.   I am told it does not exist.
>> So I go to the original file (the file I created the GEDCOM from) and
>> search for MRIN = 902.  That marriage record is for someone in an
>> entirely different branch of the family,  someone who is NOT included
>> in the GEDCOM at all.
>> So how do I get rid of the faulty source??

Or, when the OP gets that 'Show List' screen, he/she can press that big
ol' button on the right which says 'Delete this Master Source and All
Citations to it'.



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