Mike Fry <emjay...@gmail.com> proclaimed:

>Why? I'd never use a GEDCOM to go from Legacy to Legacy. It's far better and
>more comprehensive to use the native file format.

I agree, but sometimes there is no other way to fix a database problem.
A native export just uses SQL to copy a table from one database to
another. Some problems are likely to get copied with it. I vaguely
recall seeing LUG posts where GEDCOM export/import was recommended by
Millennia as the suggested alternative to fixing a problem after all
else had failed. Although I have to admit that I haven't seen this
recommendation recently.

But it doesn't change my opinion (and I believe others would agree),
that the Legacy format GEDCOM export/import cycle should produce a
'virtually' identical database. Obviously there would be some
differences, such as a list of deleted RINs/MRINs would probably be



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