I tried the last back up. Same thing.
As to the chrash: When I click on the phot icon from family view it
sometimes freezes up, then goes to the photo gallery. Other times it freeses up
and I fventually get the message that Legacy is not responding. when I close it
out via task manager and then reopen, it starts as the last person from when I
last opened it, but everything that I added in the interim is still there.
Running windows 7.

----- Original Message ----
From: "bgsu1...@gmail.com" <bgsu1...@gmail.com>
To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
Sent: Wed, October 3, 2012 5:17:10 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Mixed up marriage numbers

Marli <yosbutter...@yahoo.com> proclaimed:

>Once again after a legacy crash some of my marriage numbers are not correct. 
>a check repair. No help. I use the numbers for my hard copy file.

Try restoring from your last known good backup. Give the restored
database a different database name. Now look at the MRINs in the
restored database. Are they bad or good?



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