On 11/5/2012 8:11 AM, Sherry/Support wrote:
> If you follow the suggestions in "Getting It Right" by Mary H.
> Slawson, only the governmental jurisdictions will be included in the
> location field.  Those are city/town, county, state and country.
> Including more than that, separated by commas from the city/town
> (street address, city, county, state or cemetery name, city, county
> state) makes it impossible to properly sort locations in the Master
> Location List and the Expand/Contract Location Parts can't correctly
> do its job.
> I would put what you're referring to in Events - using the
> "Description" field for the cemetery name, street address, etc and any
> other information in the Notes (grave site, etc).
> The Event Sentence reads:
> He was buried in the Mountain View Cemetery at Dillon,
> Beaveryhead,Montana, United States on 29 Sept 2007"
> or
> He resided at 123 Main Street from 1958 to 1996 in City, County, State
> Of course you can always edit the Event Sentence Definition if you
> don't like the order they print out on.
> I know we should use the Event addresses for birth, bap/chr, death,
> burial, marriage, etc, but since that's not as useful as the Master
> Event when reporting, I prefer the event. I'd love to find out if the
> programmers are making the event addresses more useful for reports
> beyond a simple list of who uses it or creating a Search List to print
> a report from that list.
> Many people are happy with their detailed address or cemetery or
> building name in the locations - it's up to you but not everything
> will work correctly if you add that, separating with commas.

I had the book mentioned above and gave it away, however I have quite a
bookshelf with genealogy books, that suggest as Sherry mentions as far
as location entries. Personally the balance of the information are put
in events or at least notes.

Looking through the archives, I found and like the entry by Brian Lightfoot.
"Tool to Uniformly Format Places" 6/7/2010. I was looking for how others
were entering Location Locations.


> Sincerely,
> Sherry
> Technical Support
> Legacy Family Tree
> On Sun, Nov 4, 2012 at 6:32 PM, Tony Rolfe<geneal...@gillandtony.com>  wrote:
>> >On 04 November 2012 00:46 Sherry/Support said:
>> >
>> >"If you put the cemetery name in the location field (which we don't
>> >recommend for several reasons)"
>> >
>> >Sherry, can you please clarify this?
>> >
>> >I have all details in locations. Street numbers and Street names, Church
>> >names, Cemetery names etc. with each field separated by commas.
>> >
>> >My biggest includes grave number, section number, Cemetery name, street
>> >address, town, county, England.
>> >
>> >I'm not having any problems that I'm aware of, but I can geolocate
>> >everything and it keeps everything together.
>> >
>> >Cheers
>> >
>> >Tony

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