I realize I was being overly reticent about names etc. considering this is
a genealogy discussion group and 1850s data isn't cause for privacy issues.

The family is listed in the 1841 census and again in the 1851 census. The
1851 census which is more specific lists grandfather William Cruickshank
(63)b. Banffshire, farmer and spouse Agnes (65) with son Alexander (25),
farm labourer, b. King Edward Aberdeenshire, and *grandson Lewis
Cruickshank (17) born in King Edward, Aberdeenshire (1833) and listed as a
farm labourer*. Other children no longer living at home were
- James, born 1811 in Banffshire (no further info found to date)
- Jannet b. 1817 in Banffshire, m.1836, d. 1889 both married and died in
Aberdeenshire -- lots of census info re the family
- John, b. 1817 in Aberdeenshire, m. 1845 (wife born1828), d. 1889 -- again
lots of census info re the family.  He's my direct ancestor. He could have
been Lewis' father at 16, so he can't be ruled out.
- Agnes b.1819 Aberdeenshire, possibly married 1843 -- very unlikely given
her age!

A case could be made for any of the threeolder being the parent. There are
no baptism records for Lewis, and I haven't been able to find anything in
the Parish records. I've taken the suggestion earlier and entered "Son
Cruickshank" as the father even though it could have been Jannet who
birthed Lewis. This pre-registration brick wall is something I chip away at
every now and then, hoping to find something.  William left no will, but
his estate was inventoried and administered by John, suggesting that James
was either dead or had emigrated. No mention of any other children by name.

On 27 November 2012 08:19, Ronald Bernier <ronaldbern...@bernfrin.org>wrote:

>  Not necessarily true.  I have a case where a child was listed as a
> granddaughter.  There is no last name listed for this granddaughter.  I
> would not even begin to "presume" that the granddaughter's last name is the
> same as the grandfather who is lasted as the head of household.  There are
> five sons and four daughters listed in the family.  All five sons are
> listed as single.  Three of the daughters are listed as single.  One of the
> daughters is listed as married.  It would seem that the granddaughter is
> the daughter of the head of household's married daughter.  This would lead
> me to conclude that the granddaughter's last name is not Vetor (the head of
> household's last name) even though the census taker did not indicate what
> her last name is.****
> ** **
> Ron Bernier****
> Woonsocket, RI****
> ****
> *From:* Pat Hickin [mailto:pph...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Tuesday, November 27, 2012 1:02 PM
> *To:* LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
> *Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] How do I enter grandchild when parents unknown**
> **
> ** **
> Well, ordinarily the census-taker would write in the last name if it was
> different from that of the head of household. ****
> ** **
> It's possible, of course, and a warning to that effect could be included
> in the note.****
> ** **
> Pat****
> ** **
> On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 11:49 AM, Mike Fry <emjay...@gmail.com> wrote:****
> On 2012/11/27 18:20, Pat Hickin wrote:
> > I'm a bit slow replying!  Are you saying you don't know his last name?
>  Then it
> > must be (or was probably)  the same as the grandfather.****
> Not necessarily. His mother could be the daughter of the grandfather.
> --
> Regards,
> Mike Fry
> Johannesburg (g)****
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Louise Booth

Puppet Booth Productions
Hassle free entertainment for children and families

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