
Those are precisely the points which I was making.
Ron Ferguson
GOONS #5307

"Paul Gray" <> wrote:

>What is the path to your FDB file on each machine? Do you have a local copy of 
>the FDB file on each machine, which you periodically refresh from Google drive?
>I ask this because I did not think that Google drive was the same kind of 
>product as Dropbox. With Dropbox, you always have at least three copies of the 
>file, one each on the desktop and laptop, and one in the cloud. When you 
>change the file on either the desktop or laptop, the changes are replicated 
>automatically (subject to some provisos) in the other two places. But, as far 
>as Legacy is concerned, you are still working with a file on your local 
>I thought Google drive (others will correct me if I'm and wrong) was simply a 
>cloud storage solution. Certainly you can manually upload and download revised 
>versions of files, but it does not automatically synchronise as Dropbox (and 
>others) do.
>The only time I was aware that you could work directly on the cloud version of 
>the file was on an application specifically designed for cloud storage such as 
>Google docs.
>I also thought that Legacy is only capable of interacting with a 'local' file.
>So, bottom line are you really sure that the FDB on both machines is 
>identical. If they were not, that's a possible explanation why one machine 
>opened to a different individual than the other, although it's possible that 
>it's just some user setting that's different as well.
>From: John Groome []
>Sent: January-22-13 12:30 PM
>Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Error 3049 Cannot open database
>Hi Ron
>Before I left to come to work (about an hour ago) I opened Legacy on my 
>desktop (XP) and ran the repair - everything ran as expected.
>However I did notice that the database opened on a different individual to 
>that on which the W7 application was closed!!
>I will do some more checking this evening.
>(PS Had a pint with a Manchunian on Monday!!)
>On 23 January 2013 07:50, Ron Ferguson <> wrote:
>There is no conflict between an fdb file on Win7 and XP - I use the same file 
>on both, but I use Dropbox, which also means that I have the fdb on both 
>Error 3049 is an Access error meaning that there is an error in the database, 
>and this could be caused by using Google Drive. It seems to me quite possible 
>that Legacy cannot check/repair a database on Google Drive. I do not know this 
>as a matter of fact as I have not tried it, nor will I ever rely on DB in the 
>cloud as my main one.
>Ron Ferguson
>GOONS #5307
>"John Groome" <> wrote:
>>I am running Legacy ( on a laptop (Windows 7) and a desktop
>>(windows XP)
>>The fdb file is stored on "google drive"
>>When attempting to run file maintenance:check/repair from the laptop I get
>>a 3049 error " It may not be a database that your application recognizes,
>>or the file may be corrupt."
>>I have checked the website for this error to no avail.
>>The last addition to the database was made on the desktop.
>>It is only in the last couple of days I had decided to use a cloud drive.
>>My suspicion there may be some conflict between W7 and XP. Any Suggestions?
>>John Groome
>>New Zealand

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