
It is a very long time since version 7.5 was introduced, the latest version 
(just released) is
Ron Ferguson
GOONS #5307

"Brian L. Lightfoot" <> wrote:

>And I thought that v7.5 was the update, with 7.4 being the older version. So 
>if the OP is running 7.5 that would mean that she did in fact update at some 
>point in very recent time.  I guess what we need to know is exactly what is 
>happening when she says "can't open the program". (I'm trying to ascertain 
>that it is the program that won't open and not the family file.)
>Brian in CA
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Ron Ferguson []
>Sent: Monday, February 18, 2013 2:38 PM
>Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Update?
>It is most improbable that answering "no" to the update had any effect. If you 
>are referring to the flash screen which crops up every month if you haven't 
>updated, then I normally answer "no" without problem.
>If you would like to explain exactly how youcare trying to open Legacy and 
>exactly what happens with any messages and error numbers, if applicable, then 
>we may be able to help. Please state also your Legacy version in full.
>Ron Ferguson
>GOONS #5307
>"Anne Albee" <> wrote:
>>I have Legacy 7.5. Trying to get into the program the other day, it asked if 
>>I wanted the update. I said no. Now can't open the program. Help, anybody?

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