Wendy, What a wonderful, insightful, kind, extensive response.  I've used 
tagging 'forever,' yet you've given me new ideas.  Thanks for being on our list 
& sharing.
--Paula in Texas
Researching:  Adair Baker Beasley Benson Betz Bigley Blagrave Burton Chapman 
Clement Clough Coppernoll Costine Daulton Dinwiddie Doody Ellis Exline Field 
Floran Floyd Gates Goodale Gordon Gump Hale Harbaugh Hind Hopkins Hughes Hurdle 
Jones Klein Koyle Laswell McDonald Misner Passwaters Pelton Roberts Roche 
Ryburn Sanford Short Singer Sullivan Weller Williams

 From: Wendy Howard <wendy.how...@gmail.com>
To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 8:15 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Tagging

Hi Rich,

Think of tagging in Legacy like looking through a book and putting
coloured adhesive stickers (flags) on the pages you want to go back to,
sticking out so you can find them easily.  And being able to remove them
easily when you're finished with them.  Like "Post-it" brand flags and
other similar products on the stationery market.

If I recall correctly, the default is to not have tags showing. Go into
Options > Customise > General and tick the box "Enable tagging options"
if you want to make use of it.  That's also where you choose which three
tags to show at any time - you can change this as your needs change.

You can tag people and marriages in Legacy, for whatever purpose you
want.  You can label the tags to remind you what they mean.

You can set tags on everyone found in a search, or search for any
particular tag to see who has it.

In my database I use one tag to mark people I want to include in online
trees (I generally only include ancestors, their siblings, and the
people who married them - enough to make contact with others who have
similar interests).  This makes it a quick job to export those people to
a new file when I want to update my online trees.

Another tag is used for people I've been in contact with - currently
over 100 people, so easy to inadvertently forget someone and with the
tag it's quick to identify them when I want to, including for telling
others connected to the same line about them so I can put them in
contact with each other if that is desired.

Other tags have been used for a variety of purposes as I've had a need
for them.

Another use is that you might want to tag people born before or after a
particular date - or in a particular place - so you can make sure you've
checked birth, death, electoral or census records in a particular
database for them all, removing the tag off each person as you complete
that check.

There's a lot of information about tagging in the Help files within
Legacy.  Press the F1 key, or click on the icon for Help in the main
toolbar (if you have it showing there), or in the menu at the top of the
Legacy window click on Help > Show Help Index... to get there.  And keep
asking questions here, so we can help you find the answers.

Hope this helps.  :-)

Kind Regards,

Richard Falzini said the following on 17/06/2013 12:09 p.m.:
> Hello,
> Every now and then I see someone mention tagging here.
> I don't know how or what that feature is, is it mandatory optional?
> By tagging what would I gain?
> Should I start to tag my records, if I do can someone explain how it
> is done?
> Thanks
> Rich

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