
I believe it is what I am doing - anyway I plan to keep going over my file and 
with time both Legacy and FSFT will get more perfected cooperating and with 
time I guess more relatives get on board.

I just wanted to tell the programmers on both programs what I experience.
And your answer also points out I am not alone.

Have a nice day.

:) Helle

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Charles Apple []
Sendt: 27. august 2013 02:35
Emne: RE: [LegacyUG] Legacy updates - FSFT does not connect to Legacy when 
combining the person i question


I had a similar or possibly the same problem. After downloading information 
from FSFT into Legacy, the data did not appear in Legacy. However, I changed 
focus by switching to either the spouse or one of the children and then 
returned focus (Family View) back to the person I was working on, and all the 
information appeared.

So, try downloading one piece of information. Go back to Legacy and change 
focus in Family View and then back to the original person. Check to see if the 
information, that you download from FSFT, has appeared.


From: Helle T. Hirschmann []
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2013 7:26 PM
Subject: SV: [LegacyUG] Legacy updates - FSFT does not connect to Legacy when 
combining the person i question

With the new update I have a different problem and I do not know if it is a 
Legacy problem or a FSFT problem.

Working on a family some family members connect really well with FSFT and all 
data is carrying over well.
Others I get to go to FSFT - combine a number of persons in a relationship: 
parents and children.
Somehow it seems that the persons on FSFT are disconnected and do not carry 
over to Legacy.

If I write down names and data of a possible spouse I sometimes can get the 
marriage relationship to work and sometimes get the children too.
But I have to enter them into my Legacy file and then connect again.

I do not know if this has been discussed before, but I have not noticed any 
subjects pointing that way.

Hope I am the only one.

? Helle

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