Just fixed my own problem.  There was little button that referred to the
current relationship that needed to be checked.  The default is all
relationships and that is too much to for the system when you have
30,000 in the db.  It takes long enough for Legacy to work through all
those people just to do the relationship between the two highlighted people.


On 06/09/2013 6:12 PM, Bernd Hornung wrote:
> I recently added a database of my wife's maternal family, a database
> that originally got me interested in genealogy.  I notice that there
> were some familiar surnames that seemed to related to a 3rd cousin of
> mine that I had found last year.  I tracked these names through FS and
> other sources and BINGO, she turned out to be my wife's 6th cousin.
> Now, when I try to create a text file of the relationship calculator I
> get a runtime 0005 error and the program crashes.  I tried this twice
> with the same result.  Has anyone encountered this and is there is
> solution?
> What I what to do is put this relationship plus my relationship on my
> blog so I need a text document that I can play with to format. There
> doesn't seem to be a report for this.
> Any thoughts or advice gratefully received.
> Bernie
> --
> Bernie H Blog site http://haushornung.weebly.com/ Data site
> http://www3.telus.net/hornunghouse/
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Bernie H Blog site http://haushornung.weebly.com/ Data site

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