On 23/09/2013 23:51, Shirley Richardson wrote:
> I would appreciate, from those more experienced, the pros and cons
> of entering Census events in the marriage record.
> I have read through the archives and still have no clear conclusion. eg
> what if the husband/wife dies or is no longer living with the family.

I very soon came to the conclusion that there were far more cons than
pros concerning entering Census Events as Marriage Events.

You are going to have Census Events popping up all over the place:  one
or other partner being away from home on a Census night, children
staying with relatives or growing up and later growing up and moving
away.  I much prefer to have all one person's Events being kept with
that one person.

I keep Marriage Events for events which relate strictly to the Marriage
- Announcements in the Press, Banns, Wedding Parties, etc.

Jenny M Benson

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