Cathy -

Note you can only 'Save' the chart in the Legacy chart format, but
must' Export' it to get it into another format - like pdf. This is the
sequence I used:  Create the chart > click on Publish on top menu >
tick export to PDF > press Calculate button and select 'View after
Exporting.'  The chart opened in Adobe without a problem.  Let us know
if that works for you.


On Sat, Nov 2, 2013 at 6:29 PM, Cathy-0 <> wrote:
> Hello, Fellow LUGers,
> I have tried to make a fan chart using Legacy Charting v7.5 today and
> publish the chart as a PDF file.  However, I keep getting an error message
> in Legacy Charting:  "Invalid floating point operation."    Does anyone know
> what that means?
> When I go to the file folder where I wanted to save the PDF file, I see the
> file; but when I try to open it in Adobe Reader X, I get an error message in
> Adobe stating that the file is damaged and could not be repaired.
> O.k, what am I'm using? I'm using Windows 7 operating system with Legacy
> Deluxe v. and Legacy Charting v. 7.5
> Is anyone else having this problem?   Have you any ideas as to what I need
> to do to correct this problem?
> With thanks in advance,
> Cathy
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