There are different ways of setting up how a computer and/or email program 
reads and displays characters.  This, and many other strange characters, appear 
because of an incompatibility between email or computer settings on either 
your, the original poster’s, or one of the other posters settings. It is 
particularly a problem that occurs when the various computers are set up to 
work in various countries and various languages.

I correspond w/ people in various languages and from various countries and am 
on many mail lists from various countries; I’ve  have played around with many 
settings but have never found a setting that works with all (though some 
settings are better than others).

From: Douglas Tighe []
Sent: Monday, November 04, 2013 5:35 PM
Subject: [LegacyUG] Â Â Â

Can someone please explain the uses of this letter "Â ". which quite often is 
used. I live in Australia and its not something we use, am I missing out on 


Doug Tighe

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