
The latest build (364) corrected my problem exporting to a new Legacy file as 
well as to a gedcom and back to a new Legacy file.   That all works with no 
errors now.   But I still get an immediate error 91 when trying to run a 
Check/Repair on any of those files.    I even get error 91 when running it on 
the sample.fdb file so it doesn't sound like it has anything to do with a 
database problem.

I uninstalled Legacy 8 completely and reinstalled but am still getting error 91 
on every Check/Repair attempt.   Any suggestions?

Dave Pointer


Exporting all records to a new Legacy file gets an error 3021.
Exporting to a Gedcom file goes OK.    Re-importing that Gedcom goes fine until 
it starts creating the Family File and then stops with an error 3021.

Dave Pointer
Try the export steps.
> Jim,
> All went ok with the List Cleanup.    But when I try the Check Repair, I
get an error 91 immediately.
> Thanks
> Dave Pointer
> ------------------------------------------
> Dave,
> I have helped other with this problem. I have done a number of things to
fix the persistent error 3021 abd error 91 problem:
> 1. File Maintenance > List Cleanup
> 2. File Maintenance > Check Repair
> 3. Export all the records to a  new Legacy file.
> 4. Export all the records to a GEDCOM file and re-import it as a new
family file.
> 5. Open the family file in MS Access and run Compact and Repair.
> Jim
> Technical Support
> Legacy Family Tree

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