I haven't gone back to check, but I don't think this has changed from v7.

The prompt is for when you APPLY the Source Clipboard, not for when you
set it up in the first place.  The context-sensitive Help says "If you
want to be prompted for the Source Detail each time you use the
clipboard, check the *Prompt for Detail* box at the bottom of the window."

I doubt there is any sort of timer/tracker on the Source Clipboard, so
Legacy has no idea how much time has passed, or what you might have
done, since setting up the clipboard.  It doesn't know that mere seconds
have passed, if that's the case.  If the box is checked to prompt for
Source Detail when you apply the source, it does just that.

Hope this helps.  :-)


Jenny M Benson said the following on 11/01/2014 1:42 a.m.:
> On 10/01/2014 03:38, Kathy Thompson wrote:
>> Isn't it prompting you to double check that any notes or comments that
>> need to be added have been added?
> Yes, that's the idea.
> But the question appears after the Source Detail screen has opened, so
> if you need to add/change anything you are already prompted by the
> appearance of that screen, so it seems unnecessary to have the reminder
> there but would be sensible to have it when you copy the Source so if
> you know you won't be changing any Detail on this occasion you don't
> have that screen open.

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