I'm not seeing this at all. In v7.5, click on Reports > Report Menu (I don't have the icon showing) > Individual tab
Next I'm shown the "Select a Report" window, with various buttons for report options, preview, print, etc. At no stage do I see anything like a generated report, until I click on the Preview button. Am I missing something (maybe not understanding the problem at all?), or are we seeing different actions? Wendy Mary Young said the following on 15/01/2014 12:58 p.m.: > Jenny > You said > Trying it out now (in 7.5) I see there is a very > > brief pause at the "opening screen" before the Preview opens. > > I don't know, but I would have thought that *that* was the bug.... > > > How could it be a bug? On my system, in 7.5, Hitting the button for > either of those Reports brings up the opening screen with the Preview > Button greyed out, the Report them displays instantly. 7.5 goes > straight to the user's last-used selections; if you want to change the > selections, you must back out of the Quick Preview. > > It is > usual to start with the "opening screen" for any report to allow for > making all one's selections in the Report Options, etc before > moving on > to the Preview. > Legacy User Group guidelines: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/Etiquette.asp Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009: http://www.mail-archive.com/legacyusergroup@legacyusers.com/ Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009: http://www.mail-archive.com/legacyusergroup@legacyfamilytree.com/ Online technical support: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/Help.asp Follow Legacy on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/LegacyFamilyTree) and on our blog (http://news.LegacyFamilyTree.com). To unsubscribe: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/LegacyLists.asp