Gene Young wrote:
> On 1/31/2014 10:50 AM, singhals wrote:
>> The database I'm currently working in only has about 15,000
>> names.  If I have 1000 without a PP flag, I'll be surprised.
>> Are those things making anyone crazy?
>> I tried changing the flagging limits, with minimal success,
>> until finally the limits became meaningless and I had to
>> re-do them.
>> I drove myself batty looking at each of the flags, but that
>> many people that many flags you tend to lose mental track of
>> which flag you might be able to fix.
>> I looked for a way to enable PPs only on new data.  Don't
>> see one. If there is one someone found, wave violently, please.
>> I've turned the things off.  That's probably going to bring
>> me grief when I type 1868 and mean 1968 or 1786, but I'm
>> going to hope those will be obvious to me at some point and
>> not get lost in a forest of red !
>> Cheryl
> Cheryl,
> I created a potential problems list with the intention of clearing them all.  
> Not gonna happen.  I have decided to just address them one by one as I 
> encounter them while editing individuals.  This has worked out well as I have 
> uncovered new information on a number of individuals by investigating the 
> problem.  Doing them this way is easy, uncovers new info and relieves stress. 
>  As for the red dots, I just ignore them unless I have spare time.

I'm afraid I'm one of those incorrigible readers -- show me
an (*) and I'll look for the footnote, even on a ketchup
bottle.  :(  I was spending all my time opening red-dots.


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