On 17 Mar 2014 08:50, Alexa wrote:

> I'd like to know how to prevent automatic updates/upgrades to Legacy 8. I've
> only had the program for about two weeks, am still learning it, and tonight, I
> attempted to add more people and discovered there has been an update that has
> made dramatic changes to the interface (ribbon?)!
> I want don't want automatic updates. How can I stop them?

So far as I am aware, the program does not get upgraded automatically. When
there is a new update, you are notified of the fact and it is up to you whether
the update is downloaded and applied or not.

Having said that, if toy turn to the Legacy Home tab you will a button in the
top right-hand corner labelled 'Options'. Click it and select Options from the
context menu that pop up. Now, select the Internet Options tab and select the
lower of the two radio buttons to stop Legacy from checking for updates.

Note that this will totally cut Legacy off from the world!

Mike Fry
Johannesburg (g)

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