Marriage tags can't be added from a search list.
Marriage tags still have very limited
usefulness.  We need enhancements to make them really useful.

Marriage tags have to be added one by one though
they can be removed all at once.

You can print from the Marriage list but you
can't filter it by tag so it's not going to give you what you want.

To get what you want you need to get the list of
individuals and then just the male or female ones
and then print from the Name List. In the Name
List print you can choose to include the spouse
name and the MRIN. However, I don't think that
will work exactly if any have more than one marriage.

You may be better to export to csv and then
adjust the Spreadsheet as necessary.


  At 05:58 PM 13/04/2014, you wrote:
>Perhaps I’m missing something …
>I’m trying to get a list of marriage records
>with marriage contracts by a certain notary. I
>can get the list of individuals involved but I’d
>like a marriages list instead of an individuals
>list and then I’d like to tag (advanced tagging)
>those marriages. Am I missing something or is manually one by one the only way?
>I’d also like to print that tagged marriage list.
>Thank you …
>C.G. Ouimet
>Kingston ON

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