You can access the Potential Problems Options in several different ways.

1) Shift plus right click on a PP alert.

2) Tools Ribbon -  in the Family  Files Tool section on the left -
Potential Problems

3) Reports Ribbon -  Other Reports - Potential Problems.

They'll all take you to the same place in order to choose the issues
you want to be globally alerted to.

To see whether an individual has been excluded from a particular
potential problem. See their Individual edit screen. Exclude from
Potential Problems button. If they have any exclusions this button
with have an asterisk on it. Click it and you'll find a check mark in
the category they've been excluded from.

You can also have a symbol shown on Family View next to someone's
name if they've been excluded from a Potential Problem.  Options -
Customise 3.12

To turn on or off the PP alerts - Options - Customise  8.11

I wonder where the help file is wrong? You seem to have got into a
section talking about the way PPs can be identified when you're
working with FamilySearch.


At 05:00 AM 23/04/2014, you wrote:
>It was one of my twins. I went back to check each one by one. I could
>swear I checked that before I posted, but apparently not because the
>other ones weren't a problem. What I did is unlink each twin to the
>parents and unliked them as twins. Then I linked the twin back.
>Whatever the problem was, it worked. These were not names I ever
>imported either. These were names I added recently myself.
>Can you tell me exactly where those original options are? I found them
>once and I've been wanting to go back over them but I can't find them
>anywhere. They're probably right in front of me.
>I help file says "The Select Potential Problem Options screen is shown
>when you choose Potential Problems Options from the Tools dropdown
>menu on the Legacy FamilySearch screen."
>What is the Legacy FamilySearch screen? There is Search > Search
>FamilySearch (which is not titled Legacy FamilySearch) but that only
>does what it says it does. It launches FamilySearch, which makes zero
>sense. Why would potential problems have anything at all to do with
>FamilySearch? It's problems, not family.
>So then in help I click on Legacy FamilySearch screen and it says "The
>Legacy FamilySearch screen is reached by clicking the Family Search
>button on the My Toolbars tab of the Ribbon bar."
>No it isn't. The My Toolbars is customizable. Fine. Maybe I removed
>it. So I go to customize and guess what? All I see is the same
>FamilySearch that is on the Search tab, not the My Toolbars tab.
>Now I decide I'd better launch FamilySearch since I have no other
>alternative, despite the fact that it makes no sense and sure enough,
>there are no such options.
>So now I think let me go back to the beginning. It mentions Tools,
>let's go to Tools. I go to Tools and there is nothing there. I even
>click on More Tools and still nothing.
>Can you please explain this? I don't understand why this so overly
>complicated. Shouldn't these settings, since they are settings meaning
>options, be on under Options?
>Like I said, it's probably very simple and right in front of me, but I
>just am not seeing it.
>On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 11:12 PM, Cathy Pinner <> wrote:
> > I also am not getting PP alerts for twins.
> >
> > I have lots of twins in the family, and, like Brian, checked whether
> > I'd done anything else to exclude them. I did have "don't check gaps
> > for children of marriages after 1950" but that doesn't apply to the
> > twins in question. But just to make sure I turned that off as well.
> > No PP alerts.
> >
> > I just have Child Status set as Twin.
> >
> > Like Brian, the first twin only has a PP alert if the gap after the
> > previous child is too long. None of the second twins have PP alerts.
> >
> > Cathy
> >
> > At 03:09 AM 22/04/2014, you wrote:
> >>I am not aware of any special setting that suppresses the problem for a
> >>twin situation and I just confirmed in my file that I have not applied
> >>any problem exclusions that are keeping the birth too soon PP from
> >>appearing. There is a PP indicator on the first listed Twin because
> >>there is a gap of more than 48 months between me and my twin and our
> >>older sibling. Our twin sisters were born just a few months less than 48
> >>months after us and neither of them shows a PP indicator.
> >>
> >>Brian
> >>Customer Support
> >>Millennia Corporation
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>On 21/04/2014 2:21 PM, magnoliasouth wrote:
> >> > On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 6:15 AM, Brian/Support
> >> > <> wrote:
> >> >> Potential Problems do not consider outside factors such as
> child status,
> >> >> family relationships etc when checking date or age related issues.
> >> >
> >> > Ah. Well then I'll make a note to ask that for a feature one day. :)
> >> > Many thanks.
> >> >
> >> >> You should not be getting birth too close together so long as those
> >> >> twins were born on the same day. I am a twin and I have twin
> sisters and
> >> >> I do not get those warnings.
> >> >
> >> > That's really weird. Is there a setting somewhere that maybe I've
> >> > missed? Ignore same day or something? Either way, I'll go back and
> >> > double check to make sure I haven't made any errors.
> >> >
> >> > Thanks Brian for your quick responses. You're very kind.
> >> >
> >> > Cindy

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