Ok, I am going slowly out of my mind.  I have tried to follow everything 
everyone has said and I can not find a place to copy paste a picture of a 
document.  I know it was really simple in 7.  I did not want to store the 
pictures in the picture file on C, I didn’t before but do I have to now?  I can 
not create a folder in the flash drive path Irwin-media, I cannot even add a 
new folder to the information on the drive.  Right now I can’t find where 
everthing (picture wise) went when I created this line on the drive.  I am 
assuming it went to media somehow, but now it won’t let me in.  If I cannot add 
to this folder what am I suppose to do?  My brain right now is mush and I can 
not figure this out.

Someone spell it out in 5th grade English please before I just bag the whole 


From: Ron Taylor [mailto:doit4...@yahoo.com]
Sent: Friday, August 1, 2014 9:38 PM
To: legacyusergroup@LegacyUsers.com
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] pictures

You could put all the pictures in one folder or put them in any structure of 
folders and sub-folders you wish.  Then run the Relinker.  If the actual file 
names have not changed, the Relinker should be able to find them and fix the 
link to them.  Once you have all media relinked, then you can backup the data 
and media.  Delete the media folders if you don't need the pictures for 
anything else.  Then unzip the backup media file to the C:\ and it will lay 
down the folders and files as they were at the time of the backup.  Only the 
linked files will be in the backup.  So, if you had 10,000 picture files that 
you copied from the Mac to the PC and only 5,000 of them were linked to the 
Reunions file, you should only have 5,000 on the PC when you finish with the 
Relinker, Backup, Delete, and restore.

Ron Taylor

On Friday, August 1, 2014 7:54 PM, Donna Newell <djnewel...@gmail.com> wrote:

Ron, thanks for the informed answer.  It makes a little more sense now. You are 
saying I can create a folder, I am assuming in Legacy, in which to place all of 
my media and Legacy will recognize and locate it at the appropriate time.  
Should I place all of the media I have previously linked in there, transferring 
from their location to the new one?  Will I have to relink again after doing so?

Thanks again for your response.


From: Ron Taylor [mailto:doit4...@yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2014 7:37 PM
To: legacyusergroup@LegacyUsers.com
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] pictures


You may have been linking to media files that were inside a zipped file which 
is a special kind of folder.  That method was addressed recently by some users 
on this group and it helped to resolve several problems.  The conclusion was to 
not do that.  Always link to media that is not in a compressed folder.  Other 
than that, you can place your media files just about anywhere you wish, link to 
them, and be happy.  I like to put my media files in a root level folder 
because I collaborate with several other researchers.  Some of those 
researchers still use Windows XP while others use Vista, Windows7, and 
Windows8.  With a root level folder like C:\Collaborator1 it is easy for 
collaborator 1 to put whatever media they want in that folder and not be 
concerned with other collaborators messing with their collection.  
Collaborator2 likewise has their own collection folder and so forth.  The 
collaborators can make any sub-folders they need under their root level folder. 
 The Legacy backup of media only puts the media files into the backup for the 
database being backed up.  The only precaution with this method is to not use 
the Gather Media routine as it will move all the media to some other location 
regardless of the various collaborators who collected it and kept it 
separately.  The Gather routine probably does work for a single researcher that 
does not collaborate.

Ron Taylor

On Thursday, July 31, 2014 1:12 PM, Donna Newell <djnewel...@gmail.com> wrote:

I am trying to save a picture of a census record to Legacy 8.  In Legacy 7 my 
folder on the drive I used looked like this:

1  Legacy                                            12/29/2012 3:57 PM  File 

1 Irwin 2014-07-08 1,48.48 PM       7/8/2014 1:48 PM      Compressed (zipped) 

I could click on Legacy and it would open to:

1  Pictures                                         12/29/2012 3:55 PM  File 

Which I then could click and it would open to smaller folders and pictures that 
I had stored for my data base.

In Legacy 8 I am unable to do that.  There is no Legacy folder, only the name 
folders and media folders.  There is one labeled with a circle and an L in the 
middle with 11,448 KB in it, plus an Microsoft Assess Record-Locking 
Information icon with 0 KB in it.

I would before save the picture to my computer, then copy it to the folder with 
Pictures and from there go to the Picture Center and find the picture in the 
Browse slot.

Now I cannot find where to put the picture to load it into Legacy.

I would like someone to help me out.

Donna in Ardmore

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