Arthur, I just read several of the GENSOFT reviews. As I did not read them
all, I cannot make comprehensive statements, but of those I read  EVERY ONE
of the negative reviews focused on a single problem that Legacy had. The
positive reviews were nearly all 5 star, and comments indicated it was easy
to use and the best genealogy program. I suggest you go to and read some of the actual comments. On the
combined Legacy review, click on Legacy and you will find the bunch. I
concur with the positive reviews.


<<I do realise that it's often the people with axes to grind who make the
most noise and post the most reviews. There's a Top Ten Reviews site
which puts Legacy on top (I think it was a single reviewer's
assessment), so I was just wondering if anyone could account for the
discrepancy between that and Gensoft Reviews, which collates lots of
peoples' reviews and ratings - and which I've always thought of as a
pretty reliable site.

Anyway, thanks again,


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