So no one has had the below issue after the latest build?  Sorry, I just
noticed that I referred to the symbol that has replaced the periods in
Reports as 2 horizontal lines – not sure where my head was, but it should be
2 VERTICAL lines. I just did a google search and it is called a vertical
broken bar (or double vertical broken bar in my situation).  I have since
noticed that this only happens to Events in Reports. Even if I go and delete
the event and re-enter a new event with the same wording, the vertical
broken bar shows up in the same place when I run a Report.  For example, the
abbreviation "St." -- anywhere that I have referred to St. Paul's Cathedral,
or St. John, the period is removed and the broken bar symbol is in it's
place.  If I go to the event and delete the period, the Report looks fine.
If I go back and add the period, the broken bar symbol is back in the
Report.  The broken bar symbol is also replacing periods between sentences.
How do I report this to Legacy?  Thanks for your help. Laurel
I just downloaded version and have come across the following after
the update:  1) Additional spaces between words were added to my transcribed
sources under the Text of Source screen in Master Sources. About 25% of my
sources were affected.  The extra spaces were just random – anywhere from an
additional one to 5 spaces between words.  (Eg: a Bronze    Memorial has
been    installed).  I was able to go in and delete all these added spaces –
it was just time consuming to have to do so.  2) Anything that was bolded
was particularly affected - there were extra spaces before and after many
bolded words.  But after removing the extra spacing around bolded words and
saving, the extra spacing would come back. I actually had to change the
words from bold to normal to be able to remove the extra spaces. If I tried
to rebold the word afterwards, the extra spacing would come back.  3) In
reports – Indiv., Family, Ancestor & Desc., in random places the period and
any spaces around the period, have been replaced by 2 horizontal lines.
(Eg: Married in the Anglican Church of St||Paul’s||Witnesses were
Sally....).   The horizontal lines have a break in the middle, but I don’t
have the symbol on my keyboard to show you.  I have ran a Check/Repair,
Compact File and booted my computer, but these issues are still there. I can
live without the bolded words, but the reports don’t look too pretty with
the missing spaces and || in place of periods. Is anyone else noticing this?

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