On 03/03/2015 15:48, M Ross wrote:
> So legacyusergroup is the address not the subject line. Where is the
> subject line so I can ask a proper question

The subject line of *this* message is: Switching fields in an event

That is not the subject line you need for YOUR question

You need one that refers to YOUR question.

Open Gmail and go into your account.

Click on compose on the left

That will open a box which has New Message at the top

Under that is a box with To at the beginning which will disappear when
you put in the address.  You put legacyusergroup@LegacyUsers.com in
that box

Under that is another box which has Subject at the beginning which
again will disappear when you put in the subject

Next is a big box for your message

You've nearly finished :)

In the very bottom right hand corner you will see a little arrow. If
you put your mouse over that, it says More Options.  Click on the arrow.

One of the options (choices) that appears in the menu is Plain text
mode  Click on that option.  The box will disappear but don't worry
about that. Gmail has done what you've chosen

Last step: click on Send in the bottom left hand corner of the box
you've composed your message.

In a few minutes your message will appear on the list.

I'm going to send you some pictures of the steps off list that may
help you see what I've said above.

Charani (UK)
OPC for Walton,  Ashcott, Shapwick,
Greinton and Clutton, SOM

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