On 2015/04/14 12:19 PM, Jo Poi wrote:

> Pictlist.dbm file makes logical sense, but then that gives me a problem in 
> that
> I have my database and media files on a USB memory stick so that I can use
> Legacy on my desktop and netbook. The problem I have is that on one computer
> some pictures are shown with a + and others with a - and on the other machine
> the + and - vary, and vice versa. BUT all pictures are given their correct
> locations at the bottom of the picture centre.
> Which would seem to indicate that there is a problem with the - and + in the
> picture centre

 From the 7.5 Help file - topic = Picture Centre

The U column to the left of the file names indicates whether or not each picture
has been attached to someone in your family file already.  The + means that
picture in that folder has been attached to someone.  The - means that file name
has been attached to someone but from a different picture folder.  For example,
you may be looking at grandpa.bmp in the Legacy\Pictures folder but another file
called grandpa.bmp in the Legacy\Reunion\Pictures folder is currently being used
somewhere in your file.  (You should be careful not to have different picture
files with the same name located in different folders.  It will surely confuse
you at some point…

Mike Fry (Jhb)

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