I am seeing several issues with pictures since the update. In both Desc and 
Ancestor reports, some pictures are on top of each other. For example, a 
picture of my mother is partially covered by a picture of someone else. On some 
reports there are 2 or 3 instances of this.  Also, some of the captions under 
these piled up pictures are also piled on top of each other (so unreadable). In 
the Individual and Family reports, the captions are missing from event pictures 
altogether. The option to include captions is greyed out. I think we used to be 
able to include captions? In Picture Centre, I can’t get any Attached Pictures 
to show. Also, one other item not related to pictures, when I hit the Indiv or 
Family Report button it goes immediately to a preview of the report – it skips 
the part where you could select preview, print, report options etc...  This 
actually doesn’t bother me as I usually use these 2 reports to just review data 
I have entered, but I thought I would mention it.  Is anyone else having these 
issues? Laurel

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