I am new to this mailing list so my apologies if it has been covered before.
I have been using Legacy for over 20 years and have a tree with about 7000
names including over 4000 living, most of which are recorded with full
contact details including email phone and physical addresses and occupation.
I am now using the latest version 8 but have not in the past encountered any
issues in using the software and have never had to resort to a forum such as

In the past a General note has been added describing details of same sex
relationships where the parties are keen for this to be recorded.

Over recent years same sex marriage have become legal in many countries and
3 families in my tree have such a marriage and understandably expect their
marriage to be treated as any other marriage which is required by law. One
such family has children with the same sex people legal parents. The next
family tree is due to be published in 6 weeks' time.

Currently it is not possible to change the recorded sex of a spouse all
report wording therefore records them wrongly as him or her, he or she.  Can
anyone advise how they have worked around this problem please  other than
manually changing reports in a word processor before release.

Best regards Stan Baker in Wellington New Zealand.

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