And, actually, you can have 6(?) files/views open at once.  'course you
need a big screen to make all 6 big enough to be able to be practical.

Once you have set up the split screen(s) - if you maximize one of them
into Legacy's main window, you can get back to the split screen by
clicking the RESTORE icon that's on the SECOND row in the top right
corner.  (The main RESTORE icon in the very top right - if you hover
over it the pop-up says "restore down".  The second row restore - if you
hover over it the pop-up says "Restore Window").

And Legacy apparently honors the MS-Office (Windows?) standard of
CTRL-F6 to switch between "split screens".  Not real fast, but it does
work in Legacy.  (On my screen it is having some "repaint" issues when I
use CTRL-F6 - but that could be my video drivers for that big screen.)


On 08/31/2015 23:54, Cathy Pinner wrote:
> Perhaps you could read the responses you got before.
> You can't TAB between two files. You CAN view two files and move
> between them with a mouse.
> Cathy
> Barton Lewis wrote:
>> I want to tab between 2 files. I am not finding the instructions on
>> how to do so at Help. I typed “Multiple” in the Help index and
>> selected “view multiple family files.” The instructions tell you
>> to go
>> to View and Split Screen, and to maximize if you want to do so for one
>> of the files – but can’t you just tab back and forth between 2
>> different files somehow?
>> Thanks,
>> Barton
>> Barton Lewis <>
>> Tuesday, 1 September 2015 11:10 AM
>> I want to tab between 2 files.  I am not finding the instructions on
>> how to do so at Help.  I typed “Multiple” in the Help index and
>> selected “view multiple family files.”  The instructions tell
>> you to go to View and Split Screen, and to maximize if you want to do
>> so for one of the files – but can’t you just tab back and forth
>> between 2 different files somehow?
>> Â
>> Thanks,
>> Â
>> Barton
>> Â
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