I am a glutton for the Census, so I cannot resist sharing the following gem 
from the U.S. Census Bureau. I find that it answers many of my questions about 
U.S. Census geography and thus about how I might enter a location.

Geographic Areas Reference Manual, 
For instance, reinforcing what Brian in CA found out, Chapter 4 tells us: "For 
most States, counties are the primary administrative divisions. There are 
exceptions, however; Louisiana has parishes, while Alaska has boroughs for the 
organized portion of its territory. Because a large part of Alaska is not in 
any organized borough, the State and the Census Bureau cooperatively have 
subdivided the unorganized portion of Alaska into census areas for the purposes 
of presenting statistical data."

      From: Brian L. Lightfoot <br...@the-lightfoots.com>
 To: legacyusergroup@LegacyUsers.com
 Sent: Wednesday, November 4, 2015 3:07 PM
 Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] And a US Census Area be considered a county?

I'm a glutton for punishment and this topic of a county name for Gustavus was 
bothering me. So, I picked up the phone and called Gustavus City Hall. The 
wonderful clerk there reminded me that Alaska does not have counties but rather 
"boroughs" similar to Louisiana's "parishes". However, Alaska is still unique 
in that not all of Alaska is organized into boroughs. Currently there are 19 
organized boroughs and one legal entity called the "Unorganized borough". This 
Unorganized Borough is administered by the state and still takes up the vast 
majority of the land in Alaska. Gustavus resides in the Unorganized Borough. 
Technically, you could enter "Unorganized borough" for the county name but that 
would probably just confuse people other than Alaskans. The city clerk of 
Gustavus says she normally leaves that blank on any paperwork that asks for a 
county/borough name but when the form requires something to be entered, she 
uses the name of the closest borough just to keep the paperwork happy.

This concludes today's lesson in Geography.

Brian in CA

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Summers [mailto:genealog...@summerscs.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2015 10:32 AM
To: legacyusergroup@LegacyUsers.com
Subject: [LegacyUG] And a US Census Area be considered a county?

When I add a USA based location for birth, death or marriage events I usually 
list the city, county, state and USA in the location field.
However my son married his wife in a small town in Alaska near Glacier Bay 
National Park that does not belong to any county. The town, Gustavus is a part 
of what is known as the "Hoonah-Angoon Census Area".

Of course when I enter that Legacy tells me no such county in Alaska exists.  
Would it still be appropriate to enter that in the County field or should it 
just be left blank?

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