I have a convoluted problem that I've tried to lay out below:

Problem 1.  In Family View for George and Lidie:
a.  Marriage info box correctly shows they did *not *marry
b.  Ethel is correctly listed as their daughter
c.  Clifford and Edward, the biological sons of Lidie and her first husband
Charles. are listed as half children to George and Lidie's "partnership"
Question 1:  The boys are *not *half children to George because he never
married Lidie - how do I indicate that the boys are not George's half
children on George and Lidie's Family View?

Problem 2.  In Family View for Charles and Lidie:
a.  Marriage info box shows correctly that they *were *married
b.  All 3 children (Ethel, Clifford, Edward) are listed as their children
Problem 2: How do I indicate that Ethel is Charles' step-daughter so that
it shows correctly in the Children list on Charles and Lidie's Family View?

Problem 3.  In Family View for *each *of the 3 children (Ethel, Clifford,
and Edward'):
a.  When the "show 1/2 brothers and sisters" box is *not *checked, each
child's Sibling List shows no half siblings, as expected
b.  When the "show 1/2 brothers and sisters" box *is *checked, each child's
Sibling List shows Ethel twice - once with no half sibling relationship to
Clifford and Edward, and once with Ethel as a half sister to Clifford and
Question 3.  How do I fix the respective Family Views for Clifford and
Edward so that Ethel's half sister relationship to them is indicated?
Question 4.  How do I fix Ethel's Familv View so that Clifford and Edward
are indicated as her half brothers?
Question 5.  How do I ensure that Ethel is listed only once on each child's
Sibling List?

Hoping that this was clear and that someone can answer the questions! Many
thanks in advance,


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