Someone tell me or please unsubscribe me - I can't take this HUGE number
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And don't tell me to go the web site, as it doesn't work - think again!
D Davis
On 3/10/2016 8:56:05 PM, "Turnham" <> wrote:
Thanks Cathy for this and the previous suggestion. I will try your
suggestion of using the relationship calculator which is new to me.
I appreciate you taking the time to help.
Sent from my Kindle Fire
From: Cathy Pinner <>
Sent: Thu Mar 10 20:35:57 EST 2016
To: Legacy User Group <>
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Something else
you can get the content but not the order in an Ancestor Book report.
It just goes up the tree instead of down.
If you want to go down, you use a Descendant Report and to ignore the
other descenants you need to tag the line you want to report on (use
the Relationship Calculator between you and the ancestor concerned. And
export to a new file that tag list and include other children in the
export to pick up the siblings of your ancestors.
Run the descendant report from that file.
Turnham wrote:
I feel very frustrated about making reports and it isn't that I
haven't looked in help and googled the issue but for the life of me I
cannot see how to do this report without a lot of deleting of extra
This is what I want to do:
I want to do a descendant r eport from one of my ancestors to me.The
generation chapters would go like this:
1. A and B and their children C1 (my ancestor) and siblings. In this
chapter I mention briefly what I know of the siblings but with my
ancestor say that he is discussed in the next chapter.
2. In this chapter I discuss my ancestor and his children again
delaying a complete discussion of my ancestor from this generation to
the next chapter.
So each chapter (generation) would be limited to my ancestor and his
children as are the lines of this chart I have produced.
I don't see any way of producing this kind of report without carrying
on the siblings descendants as well.
Many thanks for your patience! I would prefer a direct contact rather
than cluttering up the list.
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