Have you examined the use of the ToDo's to record the tasks you plan
to do and record the results afterr they are done. In reading your
post it looks like using a ToDo for the people you hope to find in a
Heritage Book or Church Book or even a General ToDo for the book
without reference to people would give you what you want.

On 24 July 2016 at 10:03, Reinhard <kreis_l...@t-online.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have purchased Legacy 8 and I am pleasewd about new functions I did not
> find in V7.5.
> However, again I do not find any text field within the program to note my
> own file history ( f.e. Heritage books searched, church books searched,
> family member has been asked, etc…).
> Do I overlook  something ?
> Thanks for any help.
> Reinhard

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Millennia Corporation


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