I use the RINs to track mine.I have dozens of Williams and somehave the
same DOBs.I never renumber, but if I have to Delete someone I reuse the RIN.


On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 11:38 AM, Martha Graham <martha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Good Morning,
> If I have three John Smith Death Certificates I use the following naming
> scheme:
> Smith,J-1884-1901
> Smith,J-1902-1951
> Smith,J-1740-1800
> By using the dob-dod's, I can tell at a glance who is who.
> Same thing for Births, use the dob or yob along with the name.
> If I have two identical names and birth dates - say a set of cousins -
> same name, same dob. I put in the birth location
> Smith,J-1905-NJ
> Smith,J-1905-MO
> Martha
> In Los Osos, CA
> --
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Researching Drinkwater surname all over the world, any time, any place, but
especially Descendants  and Ancestors of Paul Drinkwater, born 1789 in
Sandhurst, Gloucestershire, England. GOONS #5057

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