Interesting discussion. However, I would appreciate a bit more information if 


At the Legacy web site home page I note the icons (upper right corner) for both 
Google + and Facebook. I’ve visited each and looked past the two social groups’ 
advertisement to join, attempting to see what each social group site offers.


I did note that the Legacy site at Google + identifies about 2,600 followers, 
with the Facebook site identifying about 16,000 followers. ). Each social site 
seems to be ‘heavily’ graphic (photos and drawings) and seems to mirror each 
other in content. Although with Google + requiring selecting separate tiles to 
‘follow’ a particular area of information, actually see what the topics 
represent was a bit difficult.


I did not see any user discussions at either social site (probably because I am 
not a member of either. How different are the discussion areas (content, 
graphics, etc) at each social site?


So, what can followers of these two social sites tell me about the advantages 
of each site?


>From an official company representative I also have a question. Without 
>disclosing (if possible) any plans for Legacy v9, are changes possible to the 
>Legacy Home tab in the software to accommodate (easy access, replace contents, 
>etc) in the software for access to social sites?






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