I don't quite follow.

But just follow the principle of working from the known to unknown.

Work up the branches and then unlink from parents when the link isn't confirmed to your liking. That unlinks everyone above that point from the main tree unless they are linked through someone else.


Ian Thomas wrote:

This question arises because of a wrong choice of an individual at the
top, quite indefinite part of a tree - from which the problems cascade.

I hope I can describe it clearly.

Using a descendants view, there are just 3 individuals (+ one
“unknown” partner) in Levels 1 and 2, then of the Level 3 generation I
want to keep only one of the total of five families.

Of the 4 siblings at Level 3, I would like to keep them joined to
Level 2 (parents) and their one known grandparent (Level 1) as a
smallish tree. It would have only 17 individuals, and those mainly
quite poorly documented.

The fifth sibling at Level 3 has a long line of well-defined
descendants, and I can easily correct his information and “join” him
to parents and siblings discovered that I am much more confident of /
which are much better sourced and documented.

The tedious but sure way is to print out the descendants report from
the Level 1 individual, with [RIN} displayed, then unlink many of
those below starting with those that have fewest family below. For
those (lower-order / Level) families that have many individuals, and
which I want to keep together, of course I need to consider the
partner’s forebears (up-tree) which the descendants report I describe
above cannot show.

Fortunately, in this case as described, there is only one partner
(Level 3 sibling) where this is a consideration, and the up-side is

So, my approach would be to unlink those highest-level individuals
with fewest attachments (links), but my indecision [THE QUESTION] is
how to approach those larger sub-trees in the middle of the data. Is
it just to unlink from the parents on the “mistaken” side?

More generally ( ie, a comment) the pragmatic approach, in the absence
of a tool within Legacy, is to eye-ball the relevant parts of the
database and choose where to start several descendants reports to
print out. I can see this being a very difficult and confusing
operation for very large trees. I know there are collections of many
thousands (many of the online websites I have seen) so no wonder so
many of them contain utter rubbish.

Ian Thomas

Albert Park, Victoria 3206 Australia

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