
I have just run an export, Legacy format, for my system - 10119 people, 3159
families and minimal sources - in 34 seconds. That would suggest a 9 minute
run time for 150000 people and families. My system is an i7-6700 with 32GB
of RAM since it is a gaming system.

So, your time of 20 minutes from 7.5 seems reasonable. When comparing that
to the current, not 8.5 version, there must be something else that
has changed. Were you comparing the same data or have you added a lot more
information to the individuals and a lot of sources referred all over the
place. Even so, that might only double the run time.

Otherwise, I would be considering if the target for the export was not on
the PC hard drive but on to a USB or network device. The next option would
be whether there is a performance problem at the PC level or some running
software which is using the processor.

Hope this helps, but we really need to know why about what is happening.


-----Original Message-----
From: LegacyUserGroup [mailto:legacyusergroup-boun...@legacyusers.com] On
Behalf Of EMB
Sent: 06 April 2017 09:50
To: Legacy User Group <legacyusergroup@legacyusers.com>
Subject: [LegacyUG] creating a gedcom file in 8.5.. very slow

Who can help?

When I created a gedcom file in 7.5 of 150.000 persons it took 20 minutes.
Now I updated to the newest 8.5.. and now it takes more than 4 hours to do
the same!

Does anybody know what happened? Or could I've done something wrong in

Thanks for any help!

Eva B.


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