So as I see it David, your concerns concentrate around backward
compatibility  (ability to save in a old format as well as the new) as much
for sharing purposes as any other reason... and yes I can add my voice to
that as well... while I went to 9, as we age and ate forced over to fixed
incomes, other budget items become more pressing than new software
versions... which also means we squeeze out our largest and best sources of
information as they age and their computer systems and programs become
dinosaurs. A interesting problem. Perhaps a suggestion to programs to
support backward compatibility as well as forward is in order... a'la
Microsoft Word which allows you to save in the several old formats as well
as new. We can export to gedcom and paf, as well as import them, so why not
old legacy formats as well as the new? Of corse you could export a gedcom
to those with older file formats for them to import  but why not be able to
save and import from the old legacy formats as well as the new.

On Apr 21, 2017 8:44 AM, "David Picken" <> wrote:


Thanks for responding.

I have no doubt that Legacy9 will be an improvement, but that doesn’t
necessarily mean that everyone needs to have it. It is not free-of-charge,
after all.

But your question is not really fair, because if I knew the details I
probably wouldn’t need to ask the general question.

As I see it, the fact about the new file format is NOT in the advertising
material, I only picked it up in the user group. That makes me suspicious,
to put it simply.
I just can’t know what else might be in there that they haven’t talked
about openly.
And I don’t want to get nasty surprises after using Legacy9 for a couple of
days or weeks.

The first questions to the Legacy folks would of course be:

   - Are you going to continue supporting Legacy8 for those who don’t
   really see the need for Legacy9 in their daily activiities?
   - Is there a termination date set for such support?

And I do have a couple of questions specifically about the format change.
Maybe you or someone else in the group can answer these:

   - Will Legacy9 files have a different extension so that we can identify
   them immediately?
   - If I don’t use new features such as hashtagging, will the new file
   stay compatible to Legacy8?
   - Can I export from Legacy9 in Legacy8 format (in order to be able to
   send files to people who haven’t changed)?

Again, thanks for writing.
Cheers, David

Am 20170421 um 10:15 schrieb Cathy Pinner <>:


What specifically do you need to know about?
The database has changed to accommodate new features like Hashtags. That's
why you can't use a Legacy 9 database in Legacy 8.
But the format on screen for old data hasn't changed.

There have been a few tweaks to old features.
eg in Detailed Search, the Where to look list is now alphabetical than in
some supposed logical order as it had grown so much the logic was lost.
eg you can now opt to see Ancestor Colours on Index View and Name List

The major differences are the new features which are advertised on the web
pages. I'm not sure what more you want.
I think Same-Sex marriage is missing from Geoff's video on new features.
Can't think of anything else.

Legacy tester

David Picken wrote:

Is there a list of the major differences be tween Legacy8 and Legacy9

I mean an honest and complete list that tells me about changing data
formats and things I need to be aware of, not just the advertising stuff on
the home page!

Thanks, David


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