I am about to get serious about entering Irish Census data against
individuals into Legacy 9 and was seeking guidance and or alternate views
about the best way to structure the entry of this data. 


Up until now I have simply recorded a single "Residence" event for 1901 or
1911 as applicable for each individual and recorded the information about
them extracted from the "Household Return (Form A)" page into the Notes
field for the Event record. So far I have been undecided about what to Enter
in the Description field so currently I have been leaving that blank.


Now I wish to start adding in the information recorded in the "House and
Building Return (Form B1)"and "Out-Offices and Farm-Steadings Return (Form
B2)" and was wondering where others recorded this, and whether they only
recorded it for the head of the household or for all members of the


Alan Thompson

Canberra, Australia 


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