Hello, Fellow Legacy Users,


It's been several years since I last worked on my genealogy or used Legacy.
But, recently, I started working on a new family branch.  Right off the bat,
I seem to be encountering problems.  This thread is for the most pressing
issue I have.


To create this new branch in Legacy, I downloaded a GEDCOM file from
Ancestry and created a new family tree for it.  When I backed up and closed
the file, I got an Error 527.. I went to the Legacy website and followed
their directions on how to eliminate the error.  Nothing seemed to help so I
decided to deal with it on another day.  When I went back to work on the
tree, the first thing I noticed was that my Legacy shortcut icon was missing
from the desktop.  I opened Legacy through "Programs". Then I could not find
the new family file I had created.  I had Legacy search the computer and the
file came up on their new list, with the family file being stored on my
desktop.  I have never had Legacy file a new tree on the desktop.  They are
always stored in the Legacy folder under "Data".  In addition, I noticed
that all the supporting files for this new tree were also placed on the
desktop (File extensions .kil, h1, .h2, .ged, hdb, .fg, and .tc).


I am concerned that Legacy has somehow been corrupted because this is not
the only issue I am dealing with in a short period of time.  Thankfully,
none of my other family tree files seem to be affected.


What should I do?  Do I uninstall and then reinstall Legacy and hope Legacy
picks up the files and puts them in the correct folder? Do I get rid of the
new family tree and start another tree from scratch without using a GEDCOM?
Do I just delete the new tree and download another GEDCOM? Any other
options?  I also need to confirm I won't lose any data files (Extension
.fdb)when I uninstall Legacy.


FYI, I recently installed a new anti-malware program on my computer


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  By the way, this grandma is
not a techie person so explanations in simple terms would be appreciated.


Maya Zaret




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