We have some complaints about the Facebook LUG getting more information than
the email LUG. I wanted to explain why that is. The Facebook LUG is in a
much easier format to post information. I can do ten times as much stuff on
the Facebook LUG than I can do here and a lot faster.

*Conversations are threaded so it is much easier to follow the conversations

*You don't have to worry about "trimming" emails to make them more readable
(and most people don't do this anyways) 
*It is very easy to search the group for past posts. 
*There is a section where we can upload files that are accessible to
*We have "sticky" announcements 
*Upcoming webinars are announced as well as links to the Legacy News posts
*We can delete spam
*We can close comments on a thread that has run its course
*You can post screenshots which makes understanding problems (and explaining
problems) so much easier
*You can create polls (fun!)

There are 1579 members of the email LUG.  There are 18,963 members of the
Facebook LUG

I know that there are some of you that have sworn you will never join
Facebook. Unfortunately you will be missing out on some things. I can't make
this email list do all of the things that Facebook can do.

You can easily join Facebook and change your privacy settings so that you
are pretty much incognito. You can make it so that no one can send you
friend requests. You can format your name in such a way that it isn't
obvious who you are (you can't post a fake name per Facebook rules but there
is some flexibility). You can pretty much block everything. You need to go
into the Privacy settings (all of the settings really) and go line by line
to get it set up like you want. We have users that have Facebook for no
other reason that the LUG group. I also HIGHLY recommend the browser
extension F.B. Purity. It works with Facebook to give a TON of options on
what you see and what you don't see. It gets rid of all the junk stuff (like

Totally up to you. I just wanted to explain why there is a difference
between what you see and what they see. If you change your mind, you can
join the Facebook LUG here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/LegacyUserGroup/
Click JOIN and then you will be asked three questions before you are
approved. This keeps out spammers. The Administrators of the group are,
Geoff Rasmussen, Marian Pierre-Louis, Ron Cannon (head of tech support), and
I. The moderators are John Lisle and Cathy Pinner, two names I am sure you
are familiar with.

In addition, we also have separate LUGS for the Dutch
(https://www.facebook.com/groups/LegacyNederlands/) and the Danes
(https://www.facebook.com/groups/198010627281215/)  These two groups are
admin'd by the Legacy Translation Teams. I am also admin on these two groups
in case I am needed but I don't actively post there (my Dutch and Danish are
a bit weak).

I hope this information helps.

Michele Simmons Lewis, CGR
Legacy Educator
Legacy Family Tree/MyHeritage


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