The Pedigree Chart is a very formal chart with strict formatting.
If you request pictures they are included if there is room and they are the size that fits in the room available.
There is nothing you can do about it.
I recently suggested to the programmer that picture option be removed entirely from the Pedigree Chart because of this problem - but he decided to leave them as is.

If you really want a nice chart with pictures, use Legacy Charting. You can choose what information is in the boxes and the size of the boxes.
See the options on each of the items on the Appearance Ribbon.
If you want to prioritise the pics, start with the Mug Shot theme.
For any theme you can change the box items displayed.
You really do need to play with the various appearance options in Legacy Charting to learn how to use it. Each chart type has a default theme but you can change to others and you can modify each one.


Carol Boswell <>
Sunday, 29 September 2019 11:33 AM
I've created a 5 generation pedigree and requested pictures.  Only some of them are displayed, although all of the people on the chart have photographs.  Anything I can do to correct this?  They are also varied sizes, from tiny to medium.

Carol Boswell


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