What CE Wood failed to include was this statement in the fine print at the bottom of the front page of the colourization feature page https://www.myheritage.com/incolor: "Free signup is required. Photos uploaded without completing signup are automatically deleted to protect your privacy."

I long ago decided to relegate her posts to my junk folder because of her fear mongering like this.

I am not a MyHeritage fan and do not have an account with them but I do not think they deserve this kind of misinformation.

Brian Kelly

On 18-Feb.-20 12:29 a.m., CE WOOD wrote:
If you are foolish enough to upload your photos and use this "wonderful" colorization service promoted today by LegacyFamilyTree, https://news.legacyfamilytree.com/legacy_news/2020/02/your-black-white-photograph-to-full-color-in-1-step.html
Your Black & White Photograph to Full Color in 1 Step <https://news.legacyfamilytree.com/legacy_news/2020/02/your-black-white-photograph-to-full-color-in-1-step.html> Brand new - use this incredible new tool to automatically colorize your black and white photographs. Watch how here: At www.myheritage.com/incolor I uploaded some of my black and white photographs and let the tool do the rest. Take a look...

*MyHeritage will OWN YOUR PHOTOS!!!!*

"...*by posting content on the Website, you grant us a **royalty-free, worldwide, perpetual and non-exclusive license to host, copy, post and distribute such content."*


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