You can use Detailed Search or you can use the Missing Information tab.
You can use the Missing Information tab and then use Detailed search for your second criteria and use the Only search the search list option.

There is no problem at all searching for any field using either equal to  [blank] meaning don't enter anything OR not equal to [blank] If you want everyone who has an entry in the field, then you use "not equal to".  If you want everyone with nothing in that field you use "equal to" When you are using two conditions in Detailed Search, think carefully about whether you want them connected by AND or by OR. If you are using three conditions, unless they are all connected by AND or all connected by OR, I find it easier to do two searches and in the second only search the search list as I never remember the order in which the search is done. Read the help if you want to do a search with 3 conditions and a mix of AND and OR. It's complicated and doesn't work the way my mind works.

Andrew Robbie <>
Sunday, 9 August 2020 4:08 AM
Thanks Jenny. I was focusing on the Burial Location, which the 'Equal' to
<blank> doesn't seem to work. Trust me!

The Burial Date equal <blank> is certainly a good step forward. Thanks a

If anyone has figured out a way to search for blank location fields with
Detailed Search, please let me know. Then I can add an OR Location to this
useful search.

Thanks all,

-----Original Message-----
From: LegacyUserGroup <> On Behalf Of
Jenny M Benson
Sent: Saturday, August 8, 2020 3:04 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Help with Search

I just got it to work with "Burial Date equal to" and left the last field
completely blank AND "Find A Grave ID not equal to" and left thye last field completely blank. I think maybe if you have anyone with a blank burial DATE but populated burial PLACE (or vice versa) but with a FAG ID and you want to
exclude them, you would need to do 2 searches, but have not tested this.

Jenny M Benson - Wrexham, UK

Jenny M Benson <>
Sunday, 9 August 2020 3:03 AM

I just got it to work with "Burial Date equal to" and left the last field completely blank AND "Find A Grave ID not equal to" and left thye last field completely blank.  I think maybe if you have anyone with a blank burial DATE but populated burial PLACE (or vice versa) but with a FAG ID and you want to exclude them, you would need to do 2 searches, but have not tested this.

Andrew Robbie <>
Sunday, 9 August 2020 2:09 AM

Any help appreciated…

I bet someone out there knows this answer and has battled as I have with many, many combinations with incorrect results…

I want to find all individuals that have a Find A Grave ID field populated, but no Burial Date or Location.

So: in Detailed Search, I tried this:

                Find Individual with Find A Grave ID Contains ?


                Individual Burial Place Equal “”

Doesn’t work. Tried Contains, Not Equal and various character tricks, but nothing! Once I get the trick of the “field is blank” then I’m good.  But how is this done ?

I see I could do it with 2 searches, first with Missing Information on Burial fields, then search for FaG IDs with data.  Just thought 1 search would be cleanest that I can save and retrieve is much more re-usable.  Then I can quickly snag the FaG ID and then fill in burial details later (with this search to give me my to do list).

Ideas please?




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