
That IS the ticket and will work just fine.  Looks like I may have tried it 
once before and simply forgotten.  Thanks for the quick reply.


-----Original Message-----
From: LegacyUserGroup <> On Behalf Of 
Brian Kelly
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2020 11:06 AM
To: Legacy User Group <>
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Source Clipboard - Using as a submenu


It is not possible to select a single tab from the clipboard when the clipboard 
contains multiple tabs. The whole point of the multi-tab clipboard was to allow 
a use to load a set of sources which they can apply simultaneously.

To achieve what you want to do (have multiple sources and able to choose a 
single one for use) you can use the Save Clipboard feature. You can save up to 
ten clipboards.  You would first set your clipboard to hold only one source at 
a time. Load the Ancestry Record to the clipboard then save that clipboard in 
one of the 10 slots. Set up the FamilySearch source on the clipboard and save 
it in a second slot.

Now when you want to use one of those sources, open your clipboard. Load the 
source you want to use then apply it to the records.

Brian Kelly

On 29-Oct.-20 10:00 a.m., Larry Lachance wrote:
> When using the “Source Clipboard” – I find (and according to the help
> section) that when I use it to add a source, ALL of the sources in the 
> clipboard (ie; tab 1, tab2, tab3) are added to the field I want to 
> provide the source for.  What I would like (and not sure if the 
> clipboard will work in this manner) is to use the clipboard to choose 
> the source from just a single tab depending on my need.
> For example, I sometimes use Ancestry to find a record and then I will 
> find the same record at FamilySearch.  BUT – I only want to cite one 
> record or the other, not both.  So what I’m trying to find is a way to 
> choose tab1 or tab 2 as my source.  I know I can add both at the same 
> time and then delete the one I don’t want but that defeats my purpose.
> Another example – I use Quebec parish records often.  Sometimes I am 
> switch my source from one parish to the adjacent parish because some 
> families have baptisms, marriages and deaths between the two adjacent 
> parishes. While the master source is the same, ie; Quebec Parish 
> Records, the detail is different, ie; Notre Dame de Quebec vs. Notre 
> Dame de l’Assomption.  Tab 1 would be the Quebec and Tab 2 would be 
> the l’Assomption.  I would like to be able to select accordingly.
> Is it possible to use the source clipboard to choose which tab I want 
> to use for a particular citation without adding all of the sources in 
> the clipboard at the same time?
> Confused? Hopefully this question makes sense.
> Regards,
> Larry
> **


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