Hello all!

I'm in the process of making a donation of my 40+ year research to a major
regional library. I've already rounded up the supporting folders/files
collected over the years.  I have Legacy research on my own line; maternal
and paternal  lines, inlaws, etc. These are all separate databases. I need
to know how to prepare the actual Legacy database. I know making a GEDCOM
is necessary. What else needs to be included?

LEGACY is contained in a folder named GENEALOGY - Legacy Families.  within
that folder are sub-folders *1*) DATA; *2)* iDrive;* 3)* Intel; *4) *Legacy
FS *; 5)* LegacyCharting; *6)* Media. By including the entire folder and
sub-folders and the GEDCOMs for each database would the receiving
institution be able to run Legacy and have all the comments, attachments,
etc available for their access and review.


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