Thank you very much Cathy for your time and effort in replying. It is very helpful!

   I've also spent some time in the Help section for L-FS Integration tool. Between help and your reply, I have a better understanding. Maybe even of the numbers...104 "new matches/links" since last matching, 299 "old matches/links", 1741 "old" not matched now less the 104 "new matches-new links" yields the 1637 "not matched" and 403 (299+104) linked now shown in L-FS when I play with the current filter pull down menu.    Agreed, I will have to go through the auto-matched (double yellow arrows) and convince myself that the matching makes sense.    Also, I found I can "see" the Legacy FS ID in the bottom left corner of the L-FS main screen under the details tab.
Again, Thanks Cathy for you help.
B. Akin

On 2/7/2022 8:56 PM, Cathy Pinner wrote:
B Akin,

The FamilySearch hints have always only been available for people with a FS ID. FamilySearch hints record hints to the FamilySearch tree and those hints are sent on via the Hinting API. Whether or not they are accepted or rejected or whatever terms FS uses is not whether you've accepted them - maybe the term is confirmed - but whether someone using the FS tree has.

When you use the Legacy FamilySearch Integration module, any time you confirm that the FS tree person found is your person, the FS ID is added to your person in Legacy. That's the only thing transferred. You have total control over other data both ways.

If you have used Auto Match in LFS you'll have yellow arrows. You need to check each one and unlink if it's found the wrong person. Some people find it highly accurate and others, like me, highly inaccurate. It depends on your family and perhaps where you live in the world. If you go person by person you may have a better success rate - and you may as well as you should check the auto matched people. Or you may want to search on the website if it doesn't auto find the match and then enter the found FS ID in Legacy. There have been some recent issues with the matching via LFS. I only attempt to link a group at a time and use the filters to get just the ancestors or descendants of someone using the Edit button in the Left pane. When you match someone you can use the chain links to link their surrounding relatives to their equivalent in the FS tree. They show blue when already linked or just a grey shadow when not.

No one should be duplicated in the FamilySearch tree but in reality there are heaps of duplicates - many created by FS themselves as they added things like Parish Register transcriptions into the tree. This means that if someone had 12 children baptised and were themselves baptised and married, they are in the tree 14 times. Those 14 need to be merged by someone - and the spouse also probably has at least 14 duplicates that need to be merged and each child is duplicated multiple times ... It's a big job that I've only tackled for some of my direct ancestors. You can merge in LFS though I find it easier to merge on the website - but it still takes hours. I screenshot or write down the FS ID of each child at least as I have too often found I've orphaned children and they need to be reconnected.  The FamilySearch help has guidance on how to do all this.  Merging duplicates is far easier than undoing incorrectly merged and linked people. I did have a win this week. I messaged someone around Christmas as I found they had my Matilda Harris born in London, marrying in Ohio in 1850, having a child in Canada in 1851 whereas I knew she was single in London in the 1851 census and still single in London in 1871. They've sorted it out.

So no you don't enter more than one person or more than one FS ID in Legacy. You do the work to merge the duplicate instances in the FS tree. If you are not sure they are duplicates, then obviously you don't merge. In that case you may want to enter the possible duplicate as a separate person in Legacy in order to record your research to find out.

You can see in Legacy who has a FS ID entered by going to Search > Find > Detailed Search and doing this search.
Individual > FamilySearch ID > not equal to > <leave blank>
OR by going to Legacy FamilySearch and using the filters in the left pane to choose just those linked to FS.

I think your different numbers suggest that some people were already linked and the auto-matching added another group.

Note only you can see yourself on FamilySearch. Living people are only visible to the person who added them so Legacy FamilySearch can't match any living people unless you're the one who added them perhaps. I'm the only living person I've added and I can't recall how my FS ID was entered into Legacy.


B Akin wrote:

Hello,   I spotted something that is "new to me" (maybe forgotten?? )
in Cathy's response on a separate issue (Cathy's abbreviated reply
below). My specific question relates to this comment. "FamilySearch
hints only work if you have the FamilySearch ID entered for the person
concerned. FS hints to the FS tree and passes on those hints."
   I had noted for quite a while that I was not getting any
FamilySearch Hints.(Oops on my part, after viewing Customize 8.13 -
I've had FS turned off for some time and obviously forgot. Now On and
refreshing.) I seem to remember that I was getting hints for FS when
hinting was first introduced. Wasn't this hinting originally on
"records" and not the later "Tree"? But the above reply seems to imply
that I now have to enter all FamilySearch ID's into Legacy for the
hinting of FamilySearch to work properly.
   1) Is this correct? (After reading "Help" for Hinting for
FamilySearch - clearly says needs FS ID. ) So, Yes, need FS ID
answering my own question.
      I guess it doesn't really matter when or how this happened. I
guess I have to deal with it.
   2) Follow up question... Is there a way to automatically enter the
FamilySearch ID into the database? If so, pros and cons of doing
automatically? Going one by one would be very tedious.
Have been looking at FS-Legacy Link screen and I do not see a "data
exchange" arrow for the FS ID.
   2.1) What about FS duplicates? Can I enter two FS ID's into Legacy
- maybe separated by a comma??? Would guess more likely answer is to
create duplicate into Legacy - not my desired path. I have, a couple
of times, corrected FS "tree" records - but learning curve is way, way
too steep - too much of my time.
     I've used the FamilySearch-Legacy link and done matching. But in
all honesty, never bothered to enter the FS ID number into Legacy on a
regular basis - some there, vast majority not entered. I do not do
source data exchanges between FS and Legacy - by choice.
   Since I was trying to answer my own questions, I "auto-matched" my
Legacy people with FS.  At the end, there is a summary screen of the
auto-match process....
     Individuals in Filtered List:  2,040        My people in Legacy
database. (794 shown as living)
     Individuals not linked to FS:  1,741      What does this mean? No
FS ID in my Legacy or not enough detail in my
Legacy DB to match with FS Tree  or Not in FS Tree at all or something
If 1741 not in FS Tree - then hinting not very helpful, since FS is my
primary data
"record" source(free) generating my Legacy database in the first place.
Difference - 299 - implied linked, but yet, below, only shows 104 matched.
there a difference between linked and matched?

     Auto Matching Completed:  104 matched
                                                   1,741 processed.
                The number matched seems very low. Is this typical?
                Also, I am in my Legacy DB (all details) and in the FS
Tree (forced to add myself to "hide" a living relative who someone had
marked as deceased - Only way per FS). But, I did not auto-match. What
does auto-match look at to generate a match? In FS tree, me(name, no
data) linked to mother(name, birth date and place only, father not
shown), to grand-parents would be sufficient to match, but yet, no
(Sorry, getting into a second question here...)

   I look forward to the list's guidance.
Thanks, B.

------ Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Hints - FindMyPast - "Invalid cookie header"
Date: Fri, 8 Oct 2021 21:16:38 +0800
From: Cathy Pinner <>
Reply-To: Legacy User Group <>
To: Legacy User Group <>


FindMyPast hints are working though there is sometimes a problem if
you try to access them when they've expired. The dots aren't updated
as quickly on the Name List etc. Hints are best accessed from Family
View to avoid this.
I'd clear your browser cache to see if that removes the error you're
getting if that's not the issue.

There is a known problem with MyHeritage hints. They're currently not
working at all.

FamilySearch hints only work if you have the FamilySearch ID entered
for the person concerned. FS hints to the FS tree and passes on those

I find FMP hints helpful. I don't take much notice of others.
The search isn't done after you click the orange ball but before. The
Hints window opens and you click the pane to access the hint results
in your browser.

If you want to set up a search from Legacy use Search > Internet
Search for the relevant website. These cover far more than the 4
hinting sites, one of which is only useful for US researchers.



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