
we are in informal discussion with a commercial partner who thinks
about making use of OSM according to the OSM philosophy. On the
other hand they would like to support OSM if possible. In order
to judge one imaginable option we would like to do the following:

• To select a mid size city and a rural area in Germany which are
not covered by high resolution by Yahoo Aerial data as "probands".

• To provide satellite images of those areas via WMS (done by the
commercial partner on the basis of an ArcGIS Server).

• To map everything in both areas as accurate as possible.

• To remove the satellite images, thus the WMS service.

• To review and evaluate the results.


The commercial partner has all copyrights and permissions for
the provided data but cannot make it public domain resp. put
it under the OSM license at this stage. So the rights on this
data must not change through the above mentioned activity.

Is that possible? Or is there a rule or regulation which puts
all uploaded data under the OSM license automatically? If so,
we could not go this way via WMS. Then the second question
would be if there are technical solutions available to use
such data kind of lokally (by importing it as background
image in JOSM or something) on the user level.

Thanks in advance for according notes and advices
and best regards from Cologne,


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